Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Divorce 101 - What's Yours is Yours, What's Ours is Yours

Divorce isn't cheap.  Lawyers aren't cheap.  He, or she, who has the most money wins.

Therefore, start hiding money early and often.

This may sound difficult to do, but in actuality this can be very easy when married to a trusting spouse who is a hard, honest worker, whose main concern is supporting his family, and who promised to honor and obey.  And if he is busy taking care of his own business in order to support his family, it's that much easier.

Tell him that you will handle all of the family accounts and expenses so that he can concentrate on his hectic business. 

Keep him from accessing the joint accounts by saying that you have it all under control and that you don't want him messing up your system.

Have him do everything else.  Maintain the cars, maintain the yard, remodel the house (new floors, new bathrooms, etc.), maintain the house (all plumbing, electrical, and appliance repairs). Why spend money on professionals when you have a loving, caring husband who has the knowledge and ability to do all of these things, and spends all of his time taking care of his family?

But be sure to encourage him by acting like nothing is ever good enough, so that he will continue to try harder to please you.

Take the kids on vacations and to the beach, while your spouse stays home to work and take care of the house and lawn.

Cash your paychecks and hide the cash.  Have your employer pay you under-the-table as much as possible, and have him defer your portion of profit sharing until after your divorce.

Eventually, you can open a secret checking account and have your paychecks direct-deposited there. Then you can regularly withdrawal all of it from ATMs and hide the cash.

Have your employer show you how to establish a secret under-the-table company so you can earn an undisclosed amount of tax-free income (more on that later).  When you start doing all of that additional work at home, your spouse will see that you are working just as hard as he is.  But be sure to secretly hide that income with the rest of your hidden cash.

Periodically complain about money and bills in order to give the impression that "we" aren't making enough money.  Occasionally mention that there isn't enough money in the accounts to pay bills.  Then he can take on even more work and side-jobs in order to please you and support the family.

Have him help you with your side job, so that you can hide that money, too.

And when he takes on side-jobs in what little spare time he has, be sure to hide the cash from that as well.  

After all, what's yours is yours, and what's ours is yours.

(Evil doesn't always look evil.)